As the creator and director of Rockalypto, I was responsible for the artistic direction of the film, concept art, storyboarding, compositing, and lead character animation. I spent my time during production overseeing the animation crew's work, animating my own shots and compiling the film in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. Toonboom Harmony Premium was the primary animation software used, with 3D referencing aids developed in Autodesk Maya, and pixel assets created in Adobe Photoshop and Procreate.
Griffith University Award for Most Outstanding Director
Griffith University Award for Best Producer
Griffith University Award for Best Sound Design
Griffith University Award for Best Background Art
Griffith University Award for Most Outstanding Script/Concept
Guides provided during pre-production and at the request of animators during production for the purpose of style consistency.
Feedback provided to artists and animators. Bottom image is a timeline drawn to help the composer to visualise music timecodes against the animatic.
Krystal turnaround by Jamie Palmer
Demon turnaround by Oliver Baker-Karaka